New social recruitment project

The lack of drivers and employee in the industry has forced us to think about the actual possibilities of social recruiting in our country. For our client, JIPOCAR, which operates a logistical centre and international truck transport, we have created a new career website, to which we have tied the current possibilities provided by Facebook, and we have also linked several marketing automation platforms. The principle of the project has been to create a separate landing page for every vacant position and post it to the relevant groups in social networks and support it with promotion. With the career Facebook page, we have not only used the promotion of individual position posts but also the possibility of creating a separate card with a job offer. Thanks to an application, it shows the offers from the career web even with the possibility of completing a form. The user thus does not have to leave Facebook at all and can explore the entire career web directly from the Facebook page. With this, we have gone a little towards the trend that considers Facebook an ecosystem some users do not like to leave.
We have divided the target audience into four target groups. Drivers, worker professions, medium management, students and other occasional part-timers. Besides the actual recruitment for the vacant positions, we made it our goal to build a new database of flexible people who are willing to help occasionally in the operation. We have supported the "jobs" communication with photos from the corporate calendar that gave it a more distinguished style and a bigger chance for sharing in social networks.
The results have surprised us pleasantly. Already after a week of operation, we had over 12k views with the new career web, the reach of the Facebook page exceeded the level of 70k and for every position, we had obtained 10 new applications, on average. As you can see, online projects focused purely on the so-called passive candidates who will only start considering a new job after an HR marketing impulse have a future.
The career web can be viewed here.