TOP 5 Recruitment Campaigns
A good campaign is built on an excellent idea. We will gladly share those that caught our attention. Thus, we bring you our Top 5.
First of all, the recruitment advertisement of McDonalds captivated us.

We hire individuals - McDonalds
Power lies in simplicity and if you want to hire a new Web developer who does not like useless talking, it is certainly appropriate.

As well as for addressing a Designer who is hungry for a precious opportunity, it is also needed to be creative and have no regard even to the iconic logo of Apple.

And when we know that computer engineers like to solve complex problems, we can show them one immediately in the recruitment ad.

On the contrary, recruitment
promises for potential school bus drivers rather consist in vacation promises.

Creative recruitment campaigns work and thus we will look for further inspiration soon.
Do you lack a skilled HR marketer who will push you forward? We may have a solution.